The National Assembly of Persons with Disabilities of Ukraine is organizing a forum in Kyiv on “Inclusion and Participation: Persons with Disabilities at the Center of Humanitarian Response Policy in Time of War”.
September 12-13, 2023
Online / offline
Premier Hotel Rus м. Kyiv, 4 Hospitalna str.
The forum aims to bring together more than 70 representatives of organizations of people with disabilities, activists representing the interests of people with various disabilities, parents raising children with disabilities, older people, civilians and military from different regions of Ukraine who have suffered and acquired disabilities to:
The forum is a unique opportunity for representatives of public organizations of people with disabilities, international institutions, UN agencies, clusters, government agencies and the media to discuss the provision of humanitarian assistance to people with disabilities and the elderly during martial law.
September 13 (online / offline)
9:30 Registration
10:00 – 10:15 Welcome speech
10:15 – 12:00 Closing discussion panel: “Humanitarian Response Priorities 2024: Inclusion and Contribution of Persons with Disabilities” (summarizing the thematic discussions).
12:00 Free communication
*Thematic discussions:
The National Assembly of Persons with Disabilities of Ukraine invites interested institutions to actively participate in the Forum, which is an open platform for communication in solving specific problems.
The number of participants in the offline event is limited.
For media: for accreditation and additional information, please contact
the press service of the National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine at +380 66 292 14 39.
You can follow the updates and news of the NAPDU on the Facebook page and on the organization’s website.
The National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine has more than a hundred organizations representing the interests of people with various disabilities. Since the first days of the war, organizations have been providing humanitarian aid to people with disabilities and the elderly from different regions of Ukraine: food, hygiene products, assistive technologies, medicines, and non-food essentials. The organizations have created shelters (5 regions), spaces for children (various locations in 18 regions), and provide counseling and psychological support. The NAIU works with civilians and military personnel who have acquired disabilities as a result of the war, advocates for the protection of the rights of people with disabilities in various areas, and more. |
The event is organized by the National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine with the support of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) as part of an international technical assistance project aimed at increasing the accessibility of political and public life, as well as the full inclusion of all citizens in the democratic process. Any opinions expressed during the event are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of IFES.