Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Interior Ministry investigators have collected evidence of embezzlement of more than UAH 250 mln by former head of Delta Bank Lagun

24 July , 2023  

Investigators have collected evidence of embezzlement of more than UAH 250 million in 2012-2015 by the head of the supervisory board of Delta Bank in collusion with deputy heads of the board of directors and the director of a controlled legal entity, the Interior Ministry said in a telegram Monday.

“Throughout 2012-2013, the head of the supervisory Board of Delta Bank ordered his subordinates to issue a loan to a legal entity controlled by him: 430 million UAH, of which they did not return 199”, – said law enforcers.

They added that there was also concluded a knowingly unfavorable agreement on the assignment of claims under the loan agreement at a price significantly lower than the real value, as a result of which the officials took possession of about UAH 29 million, and in 2014-2015 under a similar scheme – UAH 19 million.

The investigation on other criminal facts continues, said the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It specified that the indictment was sent to court, the defendants face imprisonment for up to 12 years with confiscation of property.

Delta Bank was founded in 2006. Its largest shareholders at the beginning of 2015 were Mykola Lagun (70.6059%) and Cargill Financial Services International, Inc. (29.3941%).

According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of January 1, 2015, Delta Bank ranked 4th in terms of total assets (UAH 60.303 billion) among 158 banks operating at that time.

Delta Bank was classified as troubled in October 2014, and on March 3, 2015 – as insolvent due to the fact that the owner of the bank did not take timely and sufficient measures to improve its financial condition.
