Business news from Ukraine

Internet Association of Ukraine sent open letter to the Verkhovna Rada about bill expanding powers of State Security Service of Ukraine

11 May , 2023  

Internet Association of Ukraine (InAU) uniting 220 enterprises of information and communication technologies industry asks parliamentarians to assess the draft law No.9250 On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine On Electronic Communications (on counteraction to phishing) taking into account the arguments of InAU.
It sent an open letter to the head of the Verkhovna Rada, committees and political factions on Monday.
The Association reported on Facebook, the bill proposes to empower the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine (Derzhspetssvyaz) to develop and approve the rules against phishing and phishing websites and establish the rights and obligations of DNS providers. It is assumed that the basis of responsibility for these offenses is not determined by law but by the bylaws of the State Special Communications Service.
“Thus bill № 9250 establishes a new type of misconduct, not provided by the Constitution, which refers neither to a crime, nor to an administrative or disciplinary offense”, – is stated in the text of the letter.
The IAU emphasizes that the current Criminal Code (CC) fully regulates the issues of criminal liability for the relevant criminal acts. In particular, criminal liability is provided by Articles 361 and 361-1, as well as on the set of crimes – Articles 200, 185, 190.
The Association also believes that this document aims to legalize the system of blocking domains, which has already been built and, according to the Association, is functioning illegally under the control of the National Cyber Security Coordination Center under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC).
In its address IAU reminds that it has repeatedly pointed to the risks posed by this system, namely: the risks to the cybersecurity of the state, when the aggressor, having obtained illegal access to the system, may block access to Internet web resources in Ukraine; corruption risks, because the decision to include a particular site in the list of blocked domains is made by ordinary officials, which could lead to the blocking of any site for the purpose of extortion, raiding, other pressure; risks to freedom of speech, because
The draft law № 9250 “On electronic communications” (on counteraction to phishing) is registered in the Verkhovna Rada on April 28, 2023.