Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


22 March , 2020  

Interpipe, the international vertically integrated pipe and wheel company, increased steel production by 4.8% in January-February of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, to 138,200 tonnes.
According to the company’s monthly report on Thursday, March 19, pipe production decreased by 32.9%, to 70,500 tonnes, railway wheel production increased by 20.3%, to 17,500 tonnes for two months.
In February, production of steel amounted to 72,900 tonnes, railway wheels amounted to 18,100 tonnes, pipes amounted to 38,400 tonnes.
The company increased sales of round steel billets by 36.3%, to 4,400 tonnes, railway wheels by 43.2%, to 39,600 tonnes and reduced pipe sales by 31.3%, to 66,800 tonnes in January-February of 2020.
It is also reported that pipes were sold in Europe (35%), MENA region (22%), Ukraine (18%), the American continent (13%), the CIS (10%) and other regions (2%). Railway wheels were sold in the CIS (47%), Europe (30%), Ukraine (14%), MENA region (3%), the U.S. continent (4%) and other regions (2%) in January-February of 2020.
According to the company’s statement, the increase in sales of OCTG (oil country tubular goods) in February compared with January was due to an increase in supplies to Africa and the CIS countries, as well as stable supplies to other regions. The main part of the growth in sales of gas and oil pipelines was supported by the countries of the Middle East, Turkey and Ukraine.
“Mechanical pipes showed lower productivity compared to January due to a slowdown in industrial activity in Europe. Negative dynamics of railway wheel sales in February (14.7% less compared to January) is mainly due to the elimination of finished products overstock, accumulated in 2019, which was observed in January,” reads the statement.
