Business news from Ukraine


20 September , 2017  

KYIV. Sept 20 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has met with EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn, thanked him for the EU’s consistent sanctions policy towards Russia and briefed on the latest security situation in Donbas.
The meeting between Klimkin and Hahn took place on Tuesday, September 19, as part of the Ukrainian minister’s visit to New York City to take part in the general debate of the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry’s press service said on its website.
Klimkin informed Hahn in detail about the course of reforms in Ukraine and the measures the Ukrainian government is taking to ensure internal economic stabilization and development. The two officials also touched on prospects for strengthening economic and investment cooperation between Ukraine and the EU, the expansion of micro crediting opportunities for Ukrainian businesses, including due to the involvement of European and other international financial institutions.
During the meeting, special attention was paid to visa liberalization between Ukraine and the EU.
Klimkin also explained in detail the provisions of a new Ukrainian draft law on education to Hahn. The Ukrainian minister confirmed that Ukraine is ready to send the language-related article of the bill to the Council of Europe for examination.