Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Labor market in Ukraine continues to show positive dynamics – research

9 April , 2023  

Labor market continues to demonstrate positive growth dynamics: the number of vacancies in March increased by 14% compared to February and reached almost 75.6 thousand.
These are the main results of the regular labor market survey presented by on Thursday.
“The number of vacancies in the category of hotel and restaurant business and tourism has increased rapidly. Jobs and candidates are returning to frontline areas,” the study said.
According to it, the number of vacancies relative to the 2022 prewar level is almost 75%, when compared to the 2021 figure of 91%.
It is noted that the top five countries by number of vacancies are the Kiev region – nearly 22.8 thousand (+14% compared to February), Lviv region – 7.52 thousand (+9%), Dnipropetrovsk region – 7.2 thousand (+12%), Odessa region – 5.46 thousand (+22%) and Ivano-Frankivsk region – 2.43 thousand (+21%).
It is indicated that with the advent of spring a record for the growth of job offers, according to the system of recruitment management (HMS) from, was the category “hotel, restaurant business and tourism” – 7.22 thousand vacancies, which is 29% more than a month earlier. The most popular position in this category is a bartender: 1.37 thousand job offers, which is 40% more than in February. And the greatest trend was for barbecue cook vacancies with 95 offers, up 94% from February’s numbers.
In contrast to job openings, which are increasing each month, job seeker competition continues to decline, down 13% from February, with fewer than one person per day responding on average now, down from close to 3.5 in March-April 2022.
“The March 2023 competition is four times lower than it was at the beginning of the full-scale invasion in March 2022,” the materials said.
The highest competition is in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Vinnitsa, Odessa and Volyn oblasts. The lowest – in Zakarpattya, Chernivtsi, Kherson, Ternopil and Kirovograd regions.
“With regard to positions with high competition of applicants, which usually falls into the position of digital specialists with the ability to work remotely and the administrators of beauty salons, if you compare with March 2022, the number of those wishing to work as an administrator beauty salon in 2023 decreased by 10 times, and, for example, wishing to work Front-end programmer and Java programmer – increased by three or four times,” – says the study.
This may be a consequence of the optimization taking place in the IT-sphere.
At the same time, according to, in general, the influx of applicants to the market is still growing: in March there were 7% more candidates than in February. Among them are sales consultants, sales managers, administrators, drivers, office managers, accountants, bartenders, waiters, customer service managers and cashiers.
The top three positions with the largest increase in applicants were Dietitian – +327% (64 candidates), Excavatorist – +115% (58), and .Net Programmer – +102% (105).
The largest increase of new candidates in March compared with February was observed in the frontline regions: Sumy region -22% (848 applicants), Mykolayiv region – 15% (859), Donetsk region – 14% (146), as well as Odesa region – 16% (more than 4 thousand applicants) and Kyiv region – 10% (17.6 thousand).
Speaking about the salaries, experts noted a slight increase of 500 UAH in the Odessa and Lviv regions – respectively up to 15.5 thousand UAH and 16 thousand UAH.
In general, in the first month of spring the average salary in Ukraine amounted to 16 thousand UAH.
According to the resource, by sectors the salaries in insurance increased most of all – by 9%, medicine and pharmaceuticals – by 4%, business, hospitality and tourism business, security and safety – by 3%.
The top most paid jobs in non-managerial positions was headed by media buyer – 52.5 thousand UAH, international driver – 40 thousand UAH, business analyst – 32.5 thousand UAH and rebuilder, rickshaw puller and realtor – 30 thousand UAH.
As before, the lowest salaries are offered to cleaners – 8 thousand UAH, dishwashers – 9 thousand UAH and nurses – 9 thousand UAH, which in March increased by 500 UAH against February.
It is reported that most of all candidates with more than five years of experience enter the labor market – nearly 83 thousand (+7% vs. February). The second largest category is without experience, almost 80 thousand candidates (+7%). The third group has two to five years of experience: 40,200 people (+5%). More women than men enter the labor market – 56% against 44%.