Business news from Ukraine


17 April , 2019  

The Latvian pharmaceutical concern Olainfarm in January-March 2019 increased sales in Ukraine by 21% compared to the same period in 2018.
According to the concern, the share of its sales in Ukraine for the two months amounted to 8% (EUR2,852 million) of consolidated sales.
However, in March 2019, the consolidated sales of Olainfarm in Ukraine decreased by 24% compared with March 2018, to EUR172,000 and amounted to 2% of the total sales of the concern.
In total, in the first quarter of 2019, the concern increased sales by 14%, to EUR34.7 million, in March the sales of the group rose by 3% compared to March 2018, to EUR10.8 million.
In January-March 2019, Latvia (a share of 28%), Russia (26%), Belarus (16%) and Ukraine (8%) remained the main sales markets of Olainfarm group.
Olainfarm is Latvia largest and one of the largest companies in the Baltic States for production of medicines and chemical-pharmaceutical products. The portfolio of its products includes over 60 finished dosage forms, 25 active pharmaceutical substances and more than 20 chemical intermediate products.
