Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Lim Service Group buys PCCP for UAH 37.2 mln

7 September , 2023  

Poltava Bakery Plant was bought by Lim Service Group LLC (Kyiv) for UAH 37.2 million, according to the Prozorro electronic public procurement system.

The State Property Fund of Ukraine put the plant up for sale in July 2023 with a starting lot price of UAH 24,337,940.

The purchase agreement for Poltava CPP was signed on September 5 with the regional office of the Fund. “Lim Service Group was the only bidder.

Under the terms of the agreement, the company is obliged to pay Poltava CPP’s debt of more than UAH 130 million and not to dismiss its employees. The plant’s accounts have been arrested.

“Lim Service Group now owns the plant in Poltava and its production branches located in Petrivka village and Skorokhodove town (Poltava region).

The property complex of Poltava Coke consists of 168 buildings with a total area of 75 thousand square meters. The facilities to be privatized include warehouses, mechanical workshops, a weighbridge, a mill, a chimney, an elevator and a process dryer.

The total area of the company’s land plots is 28.3 hectares. The vehicle fleet includes 22 vehicles. The company employs 70 people.

In the spring of 2018, the company conducted an audit of its warehouses, which led to the discovery of the theft of 3,500 tons of grain. The case is being considered by the High Anti-Corruption Court.

Poltava CPP is one of the oldest in Ukraine – about 150 years old. In the middle of the last century, the plant milled hundreds of tons of flour and could store 25,000 tons of grain in its elevators. The plant had its own railroad locomotive to transport products to the Poltava railway station.

Lim Service Group LLC was founded in 2021. It is engaged in leasing property and works in the field of law. The authorized capital of the company is UAH 2.2 million. The beneficiary is Nazar Taranenko.
