Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Lucky Land eco-city expands the list of state housing programs

12 September , 2024  

DIM is one of the leaders in the capital region, constantly implementing and expanding the list of state housing programs at its facilities.

To the already popular programs “eHousing” and “eRestoration” in the eco-city Lucky Land, the opportunity to purchase real estate with cash compensation for the purchase of housing has been added. This became possible thanks to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 280 of April 18, 2018, which helps to provide housing for internally displaced persons who defended the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

“Resolution No. 280 is extremely important for IDPs, as it provides a mechanism for receiving financial compensation for the purchase of housing, which is extremely important for people who have suffered from the actions of Russian invaders and lost their homes,” says Daria Bedia, Head of Marketing at DIM.

In order to receive financial compensation for the purchase of real estate under CMU Resolution No. 280, a potential buyer needs to follow several steps:

Meet the criteria of the resolution, namely, be an IDP who defended Ukraine.
Submit an application to the social security authorities at the place of residence on the housing register.
After reviewing the application and based on the submitted documents, the need for compensation will be assessed.
After the subvention is allocated, the applicant can receive compensation to a bank account opened at a branch of Oschadbank.
Next, the applicant contacts the Lucky Land sales office at 6 Berkovetska St., Kyiv, where our managers will help you choose the best housing for you and your family and support the transaction.

“LUCKY LAND is the best embodiment of the “city within a city” concept. A huge location next to a coniferous forest will allow you to breathe fresh air and live in harmony with nature. The entire space was designed by Archimatika, the country’s leading architectural firm. It is centered on a person, his or her lifestyle and development. Active entertainment or relaxation, shopping or meeting friends – all this is possible without leaving the territory of the complex.”
