Business news from Ukraine

Main registration period for participation in multi-subject test will end tomorrow

10 April , 2024  

The main registration period for participation in the National Multisubject Test (NMT) for applicants ends on April 11, the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality (UCQA) reports.

“April 11 is the last day of registration for the National Multisubject Test (NMT). Therefore, we advise potential applicants not to delay,” the press service of the UCEQA said in a statement.

It is noted that until April 15, in the personal account, the applicant will be able to change the subject of the additional block, in which he wants to take the test, the settlement in Ukraine or abroad, where he will be on the days of the NMT, or indicate the need to take the NMT at an additional session.

As reported, the NMT in 2024 will include three compulsory subjects (Ukrainian language, mathematics and history of Ukraine in the 16-21st centuries) and one subject of the applicant’s choice (foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish), biology, physics and chemistry, Ukrainian literature and geography). Testing will take place during the main (May 14 – June 25) and additional sessions (July 11-19).

The NMT will be held outside of Ukraine at temporary examination centers in 57 cities in 32 countries.
