Business news from Ukraine

“Metinvest” to increase contributions to budgets of all levels by 60%

5 April , 2024  

Metinvest Mining and Metallurgical Group is expected to increase its payments to budgets of all levels by 60% year-on-year to over UAH 4 billion from UAH 2.5 billion in January-March this year.

Metinvest’s CFO Yulia Dankova told that the dynamics of payments is positive, although it is negative compared to the first quarter of 2022, when the company paid UAH 6.9 billion in taxes, but this accrual was based on the results of the pre-war fourth quarter of 2021.

At the same time, she clarified that, in particular, the group’s enterprises in Pokrovsk, located a few tens of kilometers from the front line, paid more than UAH 261 million in taxes and fees in 2023, which is a third of all tax revenues to the local budget. The largest items of deductions are personal income tax in the amount of over UAH 245 million, rent for subsoil use – UAH 8.5 million, property tax – UAH 4.5 million, land payment – over UAH 3 million, and environmental tax – over UAH 2.3 million.

“We believe that this is a significant contribution to the development of local communities and support of the country’s defense capability in general,” said the CFO.

Answering the question about the need to improve tax legislation to enable businesses to operate more efficiently in the war, Dankova explained that Ukraine is still discussing the possibility of introducing tax consolidation.

“For some time it was not in focus. But, given the current realities, we believe that this issue should be revisited, because it is a high-quality tax civilized practice. For example, our coal mining company UCC in the US consolidates taxes and reports for the entire list of legal entities – coal mining companies,” the CFO said.

Another important issue is tax duplication. For example, the group’s mining and processing plants pay several types of taxes for one facility: environmental tax, land tax, waste disposal fee and subsoil tax. Plus income tax.

“These all seem to be different taxes, but we pay a lot of them for just one quarry. It does not seem fair to us, and we believe that taxes are duplicated. We could use this resource for investments that will create new jobs. In addition, this is also budget revenues in the form of import VAT and customs duties. This is an increase in our efficiency, which in turn will generate more income tax,” the top manager is convinced.

As for the situation with VAT refunds for exported products, Metinvest, as an export-oriented company, expects VAT refunds, “and the mechanism is generally working, but there are some important issues that are not being resolved.” For example, some of the counterparties from whom the company purchases services or goods are considered risky by the tax authorities. These counterparties withdraw VAT, and it does not go to the budget, as it should according to the law.

Instead of targeting these risky taxpayers, the tax authorities deny VAT refunds to companies like Metinvest that operate in a formal and transparent manner. In essence, the tax authorities are punishing such companies because their unscrupulous counterparties do not pay VAT to the budget. This practice has been going on for many years.

Now, in the context of military operations, the importance of this problem is growing because it affects working capital. The company does not receive VAT refunds because the government has not learned how to deal with risky taxpayers. Ultimately, the state will see an increase in tax revenues if this issue is resolved. In addition, the tax office will not divert so many resources that can be directed to more useful things, Dankova believes.

The CFO expressed concern about the impossibility of reconstructing enterprises by 2026 as part of the EU’s increased requirements for environmental friendliness and emissions reduction due to the war.

“This is a challenge for Metinvest’s Ukrainian operations. We planned to rebuild our plants to produce low-carbon steel. However, we will not be able to complete the green transformation of our enterprises by 2026 because of the war. We cannot invest in large-scale projects in Ukraine right now. Therefore, there are two options: Ukraine’s accelerated accession to the EU and joining the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) or postponing CBAM requirements for Ukraine,” the CFO summarized.

“Metinvest is a vertically integrated group of steel and mining companies. The group’s enterprises are located mainly in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Dnipropetrovs’k regions.

The main shareholders of the holding are SCM Group (71.24%) and Smart Holding (23.76%), which jointly manage it.

Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest Group.
