Business news from Ukraine


15 February , 2016  

KYIV. Feb 15 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The Defense Ministry of Ukraine and METRO Cash & Carry LLC have signed a contract to supply food to military servicemen of the western naval base of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Odesa.

“The agreement on supply of food according to a catalog for the western naval base in Odesa where the experiment on the introduction of the alternative feed system for military servicemen successfully continues has been signed,” the Defense Ministry said on its website on Thursday.

The head of the food reformation system for the Armed Forces of the project office of the Defense Ministry Diana Petrenia said that according to the preliminary results of the electronic reversed auction the cost of a food set per serviceman of the western naval base a day will be UAH 42.39 and on the ship – UAH 44.41.

She said that the previous cost of the food set per serviceman (before December 31, 2015) was UAH 57.24 and UAH 59 on the ship.

She also said that this week it is planned to sign an agreement on supply of food under a catalog in the National Army Academy in Lviv.

It is planned to expand the catalog for military servicemen in the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) zone.

“We’ve worked out 100 additional items for the field set. Calories will be increased. In most NATO member countries military servicemen in the field eat meals ready to eat or cooks are involved. Military cooks will cook in the ATO zone,” the ministry said.

It is also planned to improve the military food quality control system.

Head of the tender committee of the Defense Ministry Oleh Svyrko said that the ministry will initiate amendments to the existing legal base on the application of fines to bidders who violate the qualification requirements or contract conditions.