MGOK reduced output of manganese concentrate by 41.2% – Ukraine open for business MGOK reduced output of manganese concentrate by 41.2% – Ukraine open for business
Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

MGOK reduced output of manganese concentrate by 41.2%

16 January , 2023  

PrJSC “Marganets Mining and Processing Plant” (MGOK, Dnipropetrovsk region), following the results of work in 2022, reduced the production of manganese concentrate by 41.2% compared to the previous year – to 324 thousand tons.
According to the information of the enterprise, MGOK, like other mining and metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine, has been going through difficult times for more than 10 months. Due to the outbreak of a full-scale war, many enterprises could not operate at full capacity, and some stopped their activities.
At the same time, already in March, a difficult situation developed at MGOK: almost all production plans were adjusted, since many employees of the plant, especially longwall miners, were drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
“However, having more or less stabilized its work, having developed the necessary production plans and actions for their implementation, MGOK continued its mining activities, and it completed 2022 quite successfully,” the company’s information states.
At the same time, it is noted that the main indicator of the successful activity of MGOK is the work of the Grushevskaya enrichment plant (GOF), which produces manganese concentrate – the main source of profit for the enterprise. However, due to the active conduct of hostilities and a number of other reasons, since October 2022, the GOF has accepted raw manganese ore mined by the mines and the quarry of the plant, only for storage. During the last period of last year, specialized repair teams were engaged in the repair of equipment and equipment of the factory.
“In this regard, the “minus” from the total production of concentrates amounted to 2.8 thousand tons – in total in 2022, a little more than 324 thousand tons of concentrate (99.1%) were produced, and from the additional production, the plant worked with a “plus” in 32 tons – in total, 732 tons of concentrate (104.6%) were withdrawn from the enrichment tailings,” the company says.
According to the company’s data, MGOK worked with a “plus” of 31.45 thousand tons in the treatment of raw manganese ore, having extracted 894.5 thousand tons of ore through the joint efforts of the shops, with an adjusted plan of 863 thousand tons. Thus, all mines and the Grushevsky quarry fulfilled their annual plans for the extraction of raw manganese ore.
Thus, mine No. 3/5, with a plan for 2022 for the extraction of ore in the amount of 73 thousand tons, despite the somewhat unstable operation of the shop and the work of only one cleaning team, exceeded the target by 2.7 thousand tons. Tunneling work was not carried out by this underground mining shop during 2022, since the tunneling team was transferred earlier than planned to excavate mine workings at mine No. 14/15.
Mine 9/10 achieved its planned volumes for the extraction of raw manganese ore for 2022 by 102.7% – in total, just over 309 thousand tons of ore were mined.
The cleaning team of mine No. 14/15 for 2022 mined 233.5 thousand tons of raw ore, against the planned 226.9 thousand tons.
Grushevsky quarry, with a plan for ore extraction of 273.3 thousand tons, produced 286.598 thousand tons.
As reported, MGOK produced 551.43 thousand tons of concentrate in 2021 (at the level of 2020).
MGOK develops the eastern part of the Nikopol manganese ore deposit (Grushevsko-Basansky site). The plant, in particular, includes four operating mines, including one under construction, one quarry – Grushevsky, and a processing plant.
According to the company at the end of June 2022, the largest shareholders of PrJSC are Couttenmax Holdings Limited, Mosfilia Investments Limited and Humax Enterprises Limited, each owning 23.89% of PrJSC each, as well as Fianex Holdings Limited (all Cyprus), which owns 24% shares.
The authorized capital of PJSC “MGOK” is UAH 366.625 million, the par value of the share is UAH 0.25.
