Business news from Ukraine

Minimum wage in Ukraine increased to UAH 7.1 thousand on January 1

1 January , 2024  

Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage in Ukraine increased to UAH 7.1 thousand.

In particular, according to the law “On the State Budget for 2024”, which came into force on January 1, the minimum wage increased from UAH 6.7 thousand to UAH 7.1 thousand, and the hourly minimum wage increased to UAH 42.6.

Also, as of January 1, the overall subsistence level increased from UAH 2,589 to UAH 2,920. For children under six years of age, the subsistence minimum is now UAH 2,563, for children from six to eighteen years of age – UAH 3,196, for able-bodied persons – UAH 3,023, and for persons who have lost their ability to work – UAH 2,361.