Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ministry of Digital Transformation has added four more military bonds to Diia

9 September , 2024  

This week, the Ministry of Digital Transformation (Mintsifr) added four new issues of military domestic government bonds (OVDPs) with maturity dates from April 2025 to June 2026 to Diia, traditionally naming them after the occupied cities, towns and territories in Ukraine.

In particular, the bonds are “Sudak” with a nominal rate of 16.24% per annum and a maturity date of April 30, 2025, “Gurzuf” – 15.25% and June 4, 2025, “Lazurne” – 14.72% and September 10, 2025, “Dzharylgach” – 15.47% and June 10, 2026.

The Ministry of Digital Transformation reminded that with the addition of new securities, the total number of them in Diia has increased to 11. Now you can also buy there issues maturing on November 20, 2024 (Askania Nova), January 15, 2025 (Simferopol), March 12, 2025 (Makiivka), June 18, 2025 (Yevpatoria), July 23, 2025 (Dzhankoy), October 15, 2025 (Kerch) and January 28, 2026 (Bakhchisarai).

The intermediaries are the state-owned Sens Bank (formerly Alfa-Bank) and Ukrgasbank, as well as ICU, and Kinto.

As of September 6, there were UAH 1 trillion 677.30 billion worth of domestic government bonds in circulation. The largest portion is held by commercial banks (UAH 742.74 billion) and the NBU (UAH 677.60 billion), while legal entities and individuals hold UAH 166.46 billion and UAH 63.52 billion, non-residents UAH 26.22 billion, and territorial communities UAH 0.76 billion, respectively.

Since the beginning of the year, individuals have increased their investments in domestic government bonds by UAH 11.89 billion, while their total volume in circulation has increased by UAH 105.67 billion. According to the Settlement Center, there were almost 193 thousand investors in Ukraine as of September 1 this year, compared to 166.1 thousand at the beginning of the year.

The National Bank clarified that in January-August this year, the government of Ukraine raised almost UAH 319 billion in equivalent from the placement of domestic government bonds at auctions: UAH 232.96 billion, $1 billion 456.6 million and EUR670.8 million. UAH 133.94 billion, $1 billion 126.6 million, and EUR 841.2 million were allocated to redeem previously issued bonds during this period.

Thus, the state budget for the first eight months of this year was financed by UAH 105.20 billion in domestic government bonds, including UAH 9.11 billion in August.

At the latest primary auctions on September 3, the Ministry of Finance maintained the placement rate for one-year hryvnia bonds at 14.65% and raised the rate for two-year securities to 15.6% and for three-year securities to 16.6%-16.9% per annum.

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