Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

MTSBU gave explanations for citizens of Ukraine in case of road accidents abroad

10 May , 2023  

In case of a traffic accident abroad, if a Ukrainian driver is injured, he should contact the insurance company of the accident culprit. This can be done either in the office of the company or by post or electronically, the website of the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine says.
Information on how to submit information on the accident and a package of documents necessary for the settlement is mostly placed on the websites of the respective insurers.
Payment of insurance compensation is made under terms determined by the legislation on compulsory third party liability insurance for car owners of the country where the accident took place.
If the accident initiator has no liability insurance policy (it happens abroad as well), you may apply to the Green Card Bureau of the country, in which the accident initiator’s vehicle is registered, to get advice on further actions of the injured party. The list of national bureaus is available on the MLSAU website.
The MLSAU points out that it has no authority to settle accidents involving vehicles registered in Ukraine abroad.
MTSBU advises that in case of traffic accidents abroad you should call the police and other services, if necessary, and not leave the scene of the accident until they arrive. If as a result of the accident there were no traumatized or dead people and/or considerable damage to the vehicles of the accident participants, it is possible to draw up an agreed statement about the accident – “Europrotocol”.
In most member countries of the Green Card system the euro-protocol form is unified, i.e. its structure, names of fields and fields are the same. Every insured can obtain a Ukrainian blank of Europrotocol at conclusion of Green Card contract with Ukrainian insurer. A “euro-protocol” form and instructions on its filling in are also available at the MTSBU website. The euro-protocol should be filled in in the language of the participant of the road traffic accident. In no case sign a document if you don’t understand its content. If you can’t avoid it, state in Ukrainian that you don’t understand the content of the document and the language in which it is composed.
After taking measures for the safety of all road users, if technically possible, you need to: take pictures of the place of the accident, damage to all vehicles or other property, fixing the coordinates of the accident place (geolocation data), or make a video recording of the accident place.
Record data of other participants of the road traffic accident: name of the driver, driving license data, contact phone number, name of the insurance company and policy number; record information about witnesses and their contact information.
Take photos, if technically possible, of all documents executed at the place of the accident (police certificate, euro-protocol, etc.). If, in your opinion, you are the person who caused the accident, provide the other party with information about your Green Card international insurance contract. You can get information about the Green Card contract status remotely on the MTSBU website – by the contract number or by the state number of the vehicle.
If, in your opinion, you have suffered an accident, insist that the person at fault provide you with a copy of your insurance contract (or information about it) and notify your insurer of the accident from the scene of the accident. If it is obvious from the situation that you are the injured party – do not provide anyone but the police with a copy of your international Green Card insurance contract to avoid becoming a victim of fraud.
Irrespective of who you think caused the accident, inform the insurance company you concluded a Green Card contract with about the accident as soon as possible by any communication means agreed with the insurer.
MTSBU draws the attention of Ukrainian car owners to the mandatory availability of the international insurance certificate “Green Card” in case of operation of the vehicle abroad in the territory of the member countries of the “Green Card” system, which, besides European countries, also include Azerbaijan, Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey and Iran.
