Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Naftogaz” increased gas production by 7.7%

17 September , 2024  

In January-August 2024, JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya and PJSC Ukrnafta increased commercial gas production by 7.7% (by 0.7 bcm) compared to the same period last year – up to 9.8 bcm.
These data were made public by Oleksiy Chernyshov, CEO of Naftogaz Group, at the European Business Association’s event Global Forecast. Strengthening Unity”.
Chernyshov also clarified that the group’s oil and condensate production during this period amounted to 1.3 million tons, compared to 1.2 million tons in January-August 2023. The plan for the year is 2 million tons, with 1.8 million tons in 2023.
According to him, Naftogaz is one of the largest investors in the country’s economy with an annual volume of investments and capital expenditures of about $2 billion.
Earlier, UGV reported an increase in commercial gas production by 7.2% to 9.26 billion cubic meters over 8 months of 2024.
As reported, Naftogaz’s consolidated quarterly report says that the group’s forecasted commercial gas production for 2024 is expected to reach 14.6 bcm. In February, Chernyshov said that the group’s goal for this year was to get closer to 15 billion cubic meters.

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