Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Naftogaz” increased its net profit by 3.7 times in 6 months

26 September , 2024  

The net consolidated profit of Naftogaz Group in January-March 2024 increased by 3.7 times (by UAH 17.839 billion) compared to the same period last year, to UAH 24.414 billion.
According to the consolidated financial statements published on Naftogaz’s website, its sales revenue for the first half of the year increased by 28.1% (by UAH 31.456 billion) to UAH 143.373 billion, gross profit by 4.1 times (by UAH 33.479 billion) to UAH 44.377 billion, and operating profit by 2.1 times (by UAH 14.907 billion) to UAH 28.904 billion.
According to the group’s press service, the improvement in financial results was achieved, in particular, due to an increase in revenues from the sale of gas, oil and petroleum products, as well as natural gas distribution services.
The key companies that showed a profit in the first half of 2024 are Naftogaz of Ukraine, Ukrgasvydobuvannya, Ukrtransgaz, Ukrnafta, Gas Supply Company Naftogaz of Ukraine, and Ukrtransnafta.
In addition, in January-June 2024, the group’s companies paid UAH 44 billion in taxes to the state budget, or 7.5% of all payments controlled by the State Tax Service of Ukraine.
As reported, in 2023, the net consolidated profit of Naftogaz Group amounted to UAH 23.1 billion, compared to a loss of UAH 79.1 billion in 2022.
