Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

National Agency for Prevention of Corruption will check all military commissars and their relatives – Novykov

23 July , 2023  

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption will check the financial situation of heads of military commissions and their deputies in all regions, their close relatives will also be monitored. This was announced by the head of the National Agency for counteraction to corruption Alexander Novikov on air of the national telethon.

“These are hundreds of heads of military enlistment offices. We have now requested information from the Ministry of Defense, because these are structures that are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the AFU. After receiving the list, each of them will be checked,” he emphasized.

Novikov noted that the abuse of a serviceman of the Manning Center is “not just a corruption offense, but treason from the point of view of ethics.”
