Business news from Ukraine

National Anti-Corruption Bureau and SAPO announced new suspicions in Rotterdam+ case

27 October , 2022  

The Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAP) and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) announced a new episode in the Rotterdam+ case for another UAH 20 billion, as part of the investigation of which 2 former chairmen of the energy regulator NEURC were reported suspected; 6 former and 3 current members, as well as the current and former employee of the Commission.
“On October 26, 2022, NABU and SAPO reported the suspicion of 15 persons involved in the implementation of the so-called Rotterdam + formula, according to which electricity consumers illegally overpaid more than UAH 20 billion during 2018-2019,” the law enforcement authorities said in a statement. on Wednesday.
According to him, among the suspects is a current and former official of a group of private heat generating companies.
As explained by the NABU, 6 of these 15 persons, according to the investigation, knowingly took part in the crime, received new suspicions under Part 2 of Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (abuse of power with grave consequences). The actions of the NEURC members who, without understanding, voted for the approval of the so-called “Rotterdam +” formula, were qualified under Part 2 of Article 367 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (negligence with grave consequences).
“The investigation believes that they improperly performed their official duties, which entailed grave consequences for the state and public interests,” the bureau noted.
As specified in the NABU, this is the second episode of a large-scale investigation by anti-corruption agencies. The investigation of the first, on suspicion of six people, regarding the illegal overpayment of more than UAH 19 billion during 2016-2017, was completed in September 2022.
According to investigators, the so-called “Rotterdam+” formula included expenses that did not actually exist, namely, the transportation of nationally produced coal to TPPs from the port in Rotterdam. As a result, according to NABU and SAPO, end consumers during 2016-2019. overpaid more than UAH 39 billion.
“The investigation has evidence that representatives of a group of private heat generating companies, who eventually received excess profits, persuaded the NKREKU (National Commission for State Regulation in the Energy and Public Services – IF) to accept such a formula. At first, the regulator did not agree, realizing the absurdity of including transportation costs in the tariff However, in March 2016, he agreed to this proposal,” the ministry stressed.
As a result, there was an increase in electricity tariffs for industry, social infrastructure facilities, entrepreneurs, which led to an increase in the cost of goods and services to the end consumer, including essentials, the NABU summarized.
As reported, the head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (CFG), Oleksandr Klimenko, decided in September 2022 to cancel the prosecutor’s decision to close the so-called “Rotterdam+ case” as illegal and unfounded.
It was noted that Klymenko also completely changed the group of prosecutors in this case due to the ineffective implementation of supervision over the observance of laws during the pre-trial investigation.

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