Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

NEQSOL Holding buysUnited Mining and Chemical Company

11 October , 2024  

The state-owned stake of 100% of the authorized capital of United Mining and Chemical Company JSC was offered to be paid UAH 39 million more than the starting price of the privatization auction of the State Property Fund of Ukraine.
NADRA.INFO reports with reference to the data of the platform, accredited by Prozorro.Sale JSC.
The price offer of UAH 3,938,351,581 was received from Cemin Ukraine LLC, a member of the NEQSOL Holding group of Nasib Hasanov (Azerbaijan) (YouControl).

NEQSOL Holding in Ukraine is headed by Volodymyr Lavrenchuk. The group is a member of the EBA Subsoil Committee.
Cemin Ukraine was the only bidder to buy UMCC (Minutes).
“NEQSOL Holding has taken this step as a potential strategic investor, which, if recognized as the winner, plans to implement plans for modernization, development of new products using deep processing of raw materials and expansion in global markets along with fulfilling all privatization obligations covering social, environmental and technical aspects. Currently, NEQSOL Holding is waiting for the privatization process to be completed and its official results to be announced in accordance with the applicable procedures,” Volodymyr Lavrenchuk, Regional Director of NEQSOL Holding in Ukraine, told NADRA.INFO.
At 22:41 on Tuesday, 08.10.2024, the State Property Fund of Ukraine published an announcement on the redemption of UMCC shares on its Facebook page:
“The team of the State Property Fund of Ukraine held an online privatization auction for the sale of a state-owned stake of 100% of the authorized capital of United Mining and Chemical Company JSC. The purchase took place in the electronic system Prozorro.Sale.

the buyer is obliged to maintain the main activities of the enterprise, invest at least UAH 400 million in technical re-equipment and modernization. It is also obliged to pay off wage and budget arrears and repay overdue accounts payable.
The privatization of this enterprise opens up new opportunities for the development of Ukraine’s titanium industry. Attracting private capital will help improve the technological level of production, expand export opportunities and create new jobs. This will be an important step towards increasing the competitiveness of the Ukrainian industry on the global stage.
We have witnessed an important event for the economic development of the country, as all proceeds from the sale will go to the state budget of Ukraine, thereby strengthening our defense capabilities in the fight against the aggressor,” the SPFU said in a statement.
If a decision is made to privatize the facility through a buyout, VAT will be charged on the price offered by the bidder (sale price) in accordance with the Tax Code of Ukraine.
As a reminder, the Government has approved the starting price of the company at UAH 3.9 billion with the buyer’s investment obligations of at least UAH 0.4 billion.
