Business news from Ukraine

Netanyahu to form new Israeli government

13 November , 2022  

Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog on Sunday officially instructed right-wing leader Benjamin Netanyahu to form a government, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Netanyahu arrived at the Duke’s official residence on Sunday, where the official handover ceremony took place.

Now Netanyahu has 28 days to form a new government in the country. If he fails to complete the task on time, he may ask for an additional 14 days. If he fails to meet the extra time, then the president can transfer the mandate to another candidate.

However, with a high probability, Netanyahu will be able to achieve the approval of parliamentarians – there are 120 seats in the Knesset, among them the bloc of right-wing and religious parties has 64 mandates. The approval of 61 deputies is required for the Knesset to approve the composition of the government. Just 64 deputies recommended President Herzog to give a mandate to Netanyahu, and not to another candidate.

The fact that the mandate will receive Netanyahu, it became known earlier this week. He was in opposition for about a year and a half, but in the November 1 elections, his Likud party won the majority of votes, and together with other right-wing parties, he managed to win an advantage over the left that came to power in the previous elections.
