Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


15 January , 2016  

The Ukrainian business sector has repeatedly stressed that only systematic, targeted and, most importantly, efficient performance of the executive agencies could be the key to any high-quality transformation. This process should be closely monitored, according to the Anti-Crisis Council of NGOs and its member, the Ukrainian Association for Quality. The Association has recently conducted a professional analysis of the performance of the Ukrainian Ministry for Economic Development and Trade, which is one of the major regulators in the industry and economy in general, and revealed a chain of inefficient operations.

The situation with management of other central executive agencies is similar, the experts claim, and therefore they suggest that the Anti-Crisis Council of NGOs as the largest association of business organizations could analyze the government’s performance without limiting itself to individual ministries.

“We have to understand that nobody will do our “home task” instead of us, and the list of the tasks includes the fight against corruption, deregulation of businesses, the introduction of technical regulations and standards in line with European ones, modernization of enterprises, and a reduction in energy consumption in the industry as well. This cannot happen without effective public administration, at least to the degree that is sufficient to make Ukrainian producers and the economy competitive and prosperous,” President of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and Chairman of the Anti-Crisis Council of NGOs Anatoliy Kinakh said.

“They should examine the efficiency of management systems in the executive branch in general and systems of quality management in particular. For example, performance, operation and services provided by the Economic Development and Trade Ministry, including processing of correspondence and proposals by NGOs and businesses, do not meet modern requirements, existing standards and are of poor quality,” President of the Ukrainian Association for Quality Petro Kalyta said.

It must be noted that the business sector has repeatedly pointed out that only improvement in public administration, consistency of measures to develop the economy, industry, agriculture and other spheres of public life and entrepreneurship will allow the country not only to survive the crisis with dignity, but become a modern and strong economy.

The Ukrainian Association for Quality is ready to share its reports and provide professional consultations. Such examination is made not only to conduct a SWOT analysis of strengths and weaknesses, but also to determine immediate steps to solve the problem. For example, it is proposed that ministries’ personnel should undergo additional training with the involvement of external professional organizations and professionals to introduce European quality and excellence models, namely the EFQM Excellence Model, the Common Assessment Framework (CAF), etc., which could be utilized both for work of the executive agencies and for reforms being implemented in the country as well.

The experts advise that the concept of public policy in the field of business excellence of enterprises should be adopted as soon as possible along with measures aimed at closer cooperation between the government, society, businesses, top managers, and corporate personnel.