Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

NSDC: Center for exchange of information on cyber threats to be established in Ukraine

20 September , 2024  

Ukraine will create a center for the exchange and analysis of information on cyber threats using the best European practices, in particular, the ISAC model.
This decision was made at a meeting on September 19 by the National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity (NCCC), the National Security and Defense Council reported.
“The meeting participants paid considerable attention to ensuring the stable operation of mobile communications and the Internet under martial law. Companies in the telecommunications sector are constantly subject to cyberattacks by Russian hackers. In order to improve cooperation in responding to such threats, the participants supported the initiative to create a center for the exchange and analysis of information on cyber threats in the industry using the best European practices, in particular, the ISAC model,” the NSDC said in a Facebook post on Friday.
In addition, the issue of ensuring the continuous operation of electronic communication networks during power outages was considered and a decision was made.
It is also reported that a number of decisions were made aimed at developing the cybersecurity sector in the country. These include the launch of a national initiative to promote the role of women in cybersecurity and gender equality, as well as the introduction of an automated platform for monitoring the implementation of the Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine (CyberTracker), which will improve strategic planning in this area. Also, certain issues aimed at strengthening national cyber resilience were considered in a closed session.
Earlier it was reported that the meeting was attended by representatives of the leadership of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, intelligence agencies, the leadership of regulatory bodies in the field of electronic communications, as well as members of the Ukrainian Parliament.