Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


27 July , 2021  

The system of cyber protection of state information resources of Ukraine and critical infrastructure facilities at monitoring sites recorded 1.233 million suspicious events from July 14 to July 20, 2021, which is 4% less than in the previous week.
According to the State Service for Special Communication and Information Protection, the overwhelming majority of recorded suspicious events concern attempts to obtain user rights (43%), obtain administrator rights (17%), and violations of corporate security policy (20%).
The system of state bodies’ protected access to the Internet blocked 72,155 different types of attacks, which is 3% less than in the previous week. Of these, 98% are application-level network attacks, and 11 DDoS attacks were also recorded and blocked.
During this period, the Government Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA) registered and processed 1,680 cyber incidents, which is 19% more than in the previous week.
The vast majority of processed incidents belong to the UACOM domain zone (about 99%). The majority of incidents are related to the distribution of malware (46% of the total) and phishing (53%).