Business news from Ukraine

Number of Ukrainian citizens who believe that events in country developing in wrong direction has increased – opinion poll

11 April , 2024  

The share of Ukrainian citizens who believe that events in the country are developing in the wrong direction amounted to 38.7% and exceeded the share of those who believe that events are developing correctly (37.7%), according to a sociological survey conducted by the Razumkov Center’s sociological service on March 21-27 and presented at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on Wednesday.

With reference to similar surveys conducted earlier, it is noted that despite the fact that the percentage of citizens who believe that events in Ukraine are developing correctly has been declining throughout 2023, up to and including the previous survey in January 2024, there were more of them than Ukrainians with the opposite view.

30.5% of respondents believe that Ukraine is able to overcome the existing problems and difficulties in the next few years, with a gradual downward trend. At the same time, only 10.5% of respondents are convinced of Ukraine’s inability to overcome all difficulties, but their percentage is gradually increasing. The percentage of those who believe that Ukraine is able to overcome the existing challenges in the longer term is also growing; in March 2024, the relative majority of respondents were 45.9%.

The Ukrainians’ assessment of their life satisfaction on a 10-point scale was 4.9 points (4.7 in January).

The survey was conducted face-to-face among 2020 respondents aged 18 and older in all government-controlled areas of Ukraine that are not undergoing hostilities, using a stratified multi-stage sampling method with random selection at the first sampling stage and a quota method of selecting respondents at the final stage. The structure of the sample population reflects the demographic structure of the adult population of the surveyed areas as of the beginning of 2022 (by age, gender, type of settlement). The theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.3%; additional systematic sampling deviations may be due to the effects of Russian aggression.