Business news from Ukraine

Oil is getting cheaper, Brent – $84.4 per barrel

31 July , 2023  

Prices for oil benchmark grades are falling on Monday after they finished “in the plus” for the fifth week in a row and reached the highest levels since mid-April.

The price of WTI crude oil futures for September at the electronic trading of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) as of 8:16 a.m. Q2 is down $0.36 (0.45%) to $80.22 per barrel. At the end of the previous session they rose by $0.49 – to $80.58 per barrel.

Quotes of September futures for Brent crude oil on the London exchange ICE Futures is $84.4 per barrel, which is $0.59 (0.7%) below the closing price of the last session. On Friday, these contracts rose by $0.75 (by 0.9%) – to $84.99 per barrel.

Over the past week, quotes of Brent increased by 4.8%, WTI – by 4.6%, according to MarketWatch.

Since the beginning of July, the price of Brent has jumped by 12%, WTI – by 14%, which is the best monthly increase since January 2022, amid production cuts by Saudi Arabia and Russia, notes Trading Economics.

Analysts at ANZ Bank believe that strong macroeconomic data, including US GDP growth, will support oil prices in the near term.
