Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

On September 4-5, Ukraine may have personnel rotations in government – source

3 September , 2024  

In the coming days, the Verkhovna Rada will carry out personnel rotations in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

In particular, a government source told the Interfax-Ukraine news agency that on September 4-5, the parliament may hold a personnel day to consider rotations in the government. For his part, MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak (Voice faction) said on his telegram channel that a number of rotations in the government are being actively discussed in parliament. In particular, he said, the heads of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, and the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories are expected to be dismissed.

“Some will simply be dismissed, others will be transferred. And then they will appoint these vacancies, plus those 6 ministries without ministers. Although some ministries will be added to the current portfolios of the deputy prime ministers,” the MP suggested.

Also, sources close to the government confirmed to the agency that the current acting Minister of Veterans Affairs, Oleksandr Porkhun, will probably be proposed for the post of Minister of Veterans Affairs, the current acting Minister of Youth and Sports, Matviy Bidnyi, for the post of Minister of Culture and Information Policy, and the current acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy, Rostyslav Karandeyev.

In addition, Oleksandr Pertsovskyi, head of the passenger division of Ukrzaliznytsia, and Oleksiy Kuleba, deputy head of the Presidential Office, are being considered as candidates for the post of minister of infrastructure and regional development.

Among other things, the agency was informed about the possibility of appointing Taras Vysotskyi, who has been the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy since May 2021 and has been leading the department as acting Minister in recent months after Mykola Solskyi resigned. Another source said that Oleksandr Kamyshyn, head of the Ministry of Strategic Industries, could replace Rostyslav Shurma as Deputy Head of the Presidential Office in charge of the economy.

The Agency was unable to obtain official confirmation of these personnel rotations, as well as confirm other alleged personnel changes.
