Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


4 November , 2015  

KYIV. Nov 4 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Sales of new passenger cars in Ukraine in October grew by 28% compared to September 2015, to 5,291, which is only 9% down on October 2015, AUTO-Consulting has reported.

“In September, the first positive signals from the car market were seen [growth by 16.2% on August, to 4,137 cars], and the car market is approaching the point of stable growth each month. The beginning of the year the market started with bad indicators – 70-80% in decline,” the consultancy said.

AUTO-Consulting said that most brands recorded two-digit growth in sales in September, and the brands that saw their growth decline reported that this was unconnected with sales.

“For example, the fall in Toyota’s results [8% on September] is linked to the completion of supplies of Prius cars for the police, but market sales of the brand have grown,” reads the report.

Renault was the market leader in October with a market share of 10.7% and 564 cars sold (45% more than in September).

Toyota was second with 453 cars sold. Ford came third with a 7.5% market share and 398 cars sold (60.5% more), and ZAZ came fourth with 359 cars sold.

Skoda came fifth with 275 cars sold, BMW market sales grew by 57%, to 259 cars, and Suzuki – by 56%, to 137 cars.

The premium segment recorded a 3% rise compared to October 2014.