Business news from Ukraine

Pavlograd Chemical Plant to Build New Waste Storage Facility

7 July , 2023  

The state enterprise “Scientific-Production Association “Pavlograd Chemical Plant” (“NPO PHZ”, Dnipropetrovsk region) intends to build a new waste storage facility in Kamenskoye, Dnipropetrovsk region.
According to the documentation at the disposal of Interfax-Ukraine Agency, the proposed activities are defined by categories 1-3 “Installations for production or enrichment of nuclear fuel, facilities for reprocessing spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste, facilities for disposal of radioactive waste, storage (over 10 years) or reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel or radioactive waste outside the facility”, and also by category 1-8.1 – “Operations in the field of hazardous waste management (storage, treatment, reprocessing, storage of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste)”.
In this case it is specified that the activity consists in responsible management of REM (radioactively contaminated materials – IF), formed as a result of previous activities at the State Enterprise Uranium Ore Treatment Plant, their safe removal and transportation to places of storage – Phase 3 (U4.02/20) of the EU program.
The construction timeline and the amount of funds for the project are not made public.
It is also reported that this project will be handled by Limited Liability Company (LLC) Zlato-Stroy.
NPO PHZ specializes, among other things, in development of technologies for production and recycling of explosive materials and products, production of explosives, solid rocket fuel mixtures and products with them, drilling and blasting operations. The enterprise provides utilization of various types of ammunition unsuitable for storage, including solid rocket fuel (SRF).

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