Business news from Ukraine


18 October , 2016  

KYIV. Oct 18 (Interfax-Ukraine) – UkrAgroConsult consulting agency anticipates that areas with fodder peas would expand by 10-15% in Ukraine in 2017.

“This year the areas with fodder peas broke a five-year record – 320,000 ha. I am sure that the areas next year would expand by 10-15%. The areas with niche leguminous crops are estimated at 30,000 ha. We predict that they would expand by 20-25%,” Director General of the analytical center of UkrAgroConsult Serhiy Feofilov said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on Monday.

He said that despite the expansion of fields with leguminous crops their yield remains low.

“One of the important factors of pea planted areas expansion was an impressive increase in profit-making from these crops,” he added.

According to UkrAgroConsult, in 2015/16 agricultural year Ukraine tripled exports of beans, to 6,120 tonnes compared to the previous year. Over 80% of beans was exported to EU, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Moldova and Turkey. Chickpea exports totaled 6,910 tonnes and lentil – 568 tonnes.

Deputy Agricultural Policy and Food Minister of Ukraine Olha Trofimtseva said that now the ministry jointly with the Indian Embassy is designing a project to stimulate leguminous crops planting in Ukraine.

She said that planting of leguminous crops is a promising direction for Ukrainian farmers. The ministry is interested in its promotion, including exports.