On January 1, Poland will assume the presidency of the Council of the European Union for the second time, 20 years after the country joined the EU.
The Polish authorities have stated that the main goal of the country’s presidency of the EU Council is to implement priorities related to strengthening security. Warsaw motivates this choice, in particular, by the threat to the European Union that it sees from Russia.
“The Polish presidency will support activities to strengthen European security in all its dimensions: external, internal, information, economic, energy, food and health,” the program of the EU Council presidency states.
The Polish presidency promises to make efforts to uphold and promote the principles and values of the EU, emphasizing the special role of civil society.
Explaining its priorities, the Polish presidency points to “rising geopolitical tensions, the erosion of the international rules-based order, and hybrid attacks against European democracy and security.” All of this, according to Warsaw, “obliges us to defend the values on which the community is based, such as democracy, freedom and the rule of law.”
“For Europe, this is a time of tests and decisions. The EU must protect itself and its citizens and take care of its immediate neighbors. It must give Europeans a sense of security and prospects for development… To make Europe safer, we need the unity of the European Union and its willingness to work together with partners who share our values, including those who seek EU membership. We will support merit-based enlargement of the EU – welcoming new members is a geopolitical imperative and an opportunity to spread stability and economic growth across the continent,” the program says.
The Polish presidency announces plans for “continued support for Ukraine and its recovery” and the intention to “increase pressure on Russia and its allies.”
In defining defense tasks, Poland insists on “coordinated and ambitious actions that complement NATO’s efforts.” “It is necessary to increase defense readiness by increasing military spending, strengthening the defense industry and closing gaps in defense capabilities. The Polish Presidency will support these measures and will seek an in-depth discussion on defense funding in the EU. At the same time, member states must increase defense spending and maintain it at a level commensurate with threats,” Warsaw said.
The Polish presidency replaces the Hungarian presidency and, according to the rules of rotation of the EU Council presidency, will provide this function for six months. From July 2025, Denmark will take over the presidency.