Business news from Ukraine

Polish inspection rejects 10.6 thousand tons of Ukrainian biscuits

12 April , 2024  

The Polish Agricultural and Food Products Quality Inspectorate (IJHARS) in Rzeszów has issued a decision to ban two batches of sponge cakes with a total weight of 10.55 thousand tons imported from Ukraine from circulation on the Polish market.

According to the inspection’s post on Monday on the social network X, the decision was made due to incorrect labeling.

The decision was immediately implemented.

As reported, on April 9 in Rzeszow, the IJHARS issued a decision to ban the circulation on the Polish market of three batches of lambs weighing 5.34 thousand tons imported from Ukraine.

A few days earlier in Lublin, three batches of ice cream with a total weight of 8.48 tons imported from Ukraine were withdrawn from the Polish market due to defrosting.

In early April, the Polish Trade Inspectorate announced the largest fine in its history of PLN 1.5 million (about $380 thousand) imposed on an importing company for importing 11.5 thousand tons of technical rapeseed and feed wheat from Ukraine as counterfeit products for further use as food. In addition, it was decided to ban the import of 57.66 tons of tomato paste from Ukraine due to the presence of mold.

In March, IJHARS Chief Inspector Przemysław Rzodkiewicz said that over the past year, 1.4% of the consignments from Ukraine inspected by the commission at the border were rejected.