Business news from Ukraine

Poltavpivo boosted its net profit almost fourfold to UAH 81 mln in 2022

5 April , 2023  

Poltavpivo (Poltava) has increased its net profit almost fourfold to UAH 81.46 mln in 2022 from UAH 20.69 mln a year earlier.
According to the announcement of the April 24 annual meeting, the shareholders suggested that part of the UAH 3.267 mln profit be transferred to the reserve capital, while the remaining UAH 78.189 mln remain undistributed.
It is indicated that at the end of 2022 the company increased to 214.30 million of its undistributed profits, which is 1.7 times more than a year earlier.
The assets of the company in 2022 increased by 24.5% up to UAH 414.39 mln, including an increase in accounts receivable by 29.5% up to UAH 61.66 mln and reserves by 29.4% up to UAH 75.07 mln.
Free cash almost doubled up to 104.23 mln UAH from 52.47 mln UAH, and fixed assets insignificantly reduced to 170.05 mln UAH.
The company managed to increase its equity capital by 29.6% up to UAH 361.96 mln, and its long-term liabilities reduced by 35.4% going to UAH 11.67 mln, while the current ones increased by 17.7% going to UAH 40.77 mln.
According to the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, the owner of 96.5309% of shares is LLC “Emporium-P” (Poltava). Previously this company belonged to the Russian Stovropol Brewery, but in 2019 it was owned by the Cypriot Armico Beer Ltd. In the annual report for 2021, its 100% owner was named Rasul Ebzeyev, but in 2022 the beneficiary in the state register is the director of “Poltavpivo” Vasily Lavrichenko.
Another 1.7108% at the end of 2021 belonged to the Cyprus-based Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited, and another 1.7583% was owned by 414 persons.
Poltavpivo pointed out that on April 14, 2022 Emporium-P recalled its head Magomet Hasanov, who served as general director of Stavropol Brewery and Emporium-P itself, from the PJSC Supervisory Board and appointed Lyubov Pogromskaya instead.
Then, last June, Khasanov resigned as director of “Emporium-P,” and he was replaced by Yulia Podvorchan.
“Poltavpivo” in the report for 2021 indicated that it offers 37 beer titles (TM “Poltava”), 17 soft drinks (BAN) and 4 – kvass.
In 2021, the company decreased beer sales by 2% to 2 million 587.8 thousand dal, BAN – by 16.5% to 604.8 thousand dal, but kvass sales rose by 5.9% to 119.3 thousand dal.
Its net income in 2021 rose by 3.7% – to 323.33 million UAH, and net profit decreased by 35% – to 20.7 million UAH.
