Business news from Ukraine


25 August , 2015  

KYIV. Aug 25 (Interfax-Ukraine) – If there is no military escalation in eastern Ukraine in the near future the country could recover economic growth, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has stated.

“Economic growth could recover in the coming months. It will only be due to no military escalation,” the president said at the celebrations on occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine.

The head of state also said the government is now looking for opportunities to carry out indexation of wages and pensions.

According to the president, there are cautious grounds for believing that the economy has overcome the deep stress the war has brought.

“Businesses are adapting, finding new markets to replace the Russian one that was completely closed for us. Russia is continuing the economic war against us, seeking to exhaust us,” Poroshenko said.

He noted the country’s leadership is looking for opportunities to carry out the key reforms in the country, including law enforcement and judicial systems, the reform of the prosecutor’s office and power decentralization.

“After a week the Verkhovna Rada is likely to adopt at first reading constitutional changes in part of decentralization, and the lion’s share of power and responsibility will be passed to local authorities, territorial communities and executive committees,” the president said.

He also noted the importance of providing the holding of fair local elections scheduled for this fall.