Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

PrivatBank’s net profit in first half of year amounted to almost UAH 30 bln

3 August , 2023  

Net profit of state-owned PrivatBank (Kyiv) for January-June 2023 amounted to UAH 29.75 billion, which is 4.7 times higher than in the same period of 2022, according to the unconsolidated semi-annual report of the bank.

According to it, in particular, in the second quarter of this year net profit reached UAH 13.7 billion, which is 5.3 times higher than the net profit for the second quarter of last year.

It is indicated that the net interest income of PrivatBank for the first half of the year increased by 81.4% to UAH 27.86 billion, including in the second quarter the growth amounted to 74.2% to UAH 14.09 billion.

Meanwhile, net fee and commission income in January-June this year increased by 41.3% to UAH 11.64 billion, including in the second quarter – by 43.65% to UAH 5.94 billion.

A significant contribution to the improvement of the bank’s financial result was made by a decrease in the loss from utility reduction in the first half of this year to UAH 769 million, while for the same period last year this indicator amounted to UAH 7.54 billion. According to the report, in the second quarter of this year, this item even generated UAH 51 million in profit against a loss of UAH 5.67 billion in the second quarter of last year.

PrivatBank also reports that its total profit for the first half of this year reached UAH 35.89 billion, which is 7.4 times higher than the figure for January-June last year, including a total profit of UAH 19.325 billion in the second quarter-2023 against UAH 4.85 billion in the same period of 2022.

According to the report, the bank’s assets grew by 5% in the first half of 2023, reaching UAH 568.84 billion by June 30.

This growth is explained by an increase in cash and funds with the NBU from UAH 96.4 billion to UAH 148.23 billion and loans and advances to customers from UAH 68.08 billion to UAH 76.53 billion, while investments in securities increased marginally from UAH 239.75 billion to UAH 240.64 billion, and debts of other banks decreased by 24.6% to UAH 78.3 billion.

PrivatBank’s customer funds increased from UAH 471.97 billion to UAH 488.06 billion in the first six months of 2023, while capital increased from UAH 57.79 billion to UAH 69.52 billion.

According to the National Bank of Ukraine as of June 1, 2023, PrivatBank is the leader in terms of total assets (UAH 742.433 billion) among 65 operating banks in the country.

According to the NBU, Privat closed 79 branches in the second quarter, reducing its network to 1,131 units across Ukraine, although its report said it had eight branches and 1,199 operating outlets at mid-year, just one less than at the beginning of the year.
