Business news from Ukraine

Reception on occasion of 78th anniversary of proclamation of Italian Republic was held in Kyiv

10 June , 2024  

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Italy to Ukraine Pier Francesco Zazzo held a solemn diplomatic reception on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the proclamation of the Italian Republic in solidarity with Ukraine and compatriots who are currently living and working in Ukraine.

The term of office of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Italy to Ukraine, Pier Francesco Zazzo, will end at the end of June this year. On his last National Day as Ambassador of Italy to Ukraine, the diplomat welcomed distinguished guests.

The solemn event was attended by heads of diplomatic missions of foreign countries accredited in Ukraine, representatives of the government, including Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Yevhen Perebyinis, businessmen, members of the Italian diaspora, educators and cultural figures.

Ambassador of Italy to Ukraine Pier Francesco Zazzo in his welcoming speech noted that this year Kyiv celebrates the Day of Proclamation of the Italian Republic again in tragic conditions due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“We stand with a country that is fighting to defend values such as freedom and its national identity, and we will continue to provide our full support as long as necessary to achieve a just and sustainable peace,” the diplomat said.

The Ambassador emphasized that Italy, as a responsible member state of the European Union, NATO and the G7, will continue to provide Ukraine with comprehensive support at the bilateral and multilateral levels, in the political, economic, military and humanitarian spheres.

In his speech, Mr. Ambassador also emphasized that Ukraine is a priority topic of the Italian presidency of the Group of Seven and reminded that the first G7 Leaders’ Summit was convened by the Prime Minister of Italy Mrs. Giorgia Meloni in Kyiv, on the second anniversary of the beginning of Russian aggression, and noted that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been invited to the next Leaders’ Summit in Borgo Eniazia.

In conclusion, the Head of the Diplomatic Mission reminded that in 2025 Italy will host the Ukraine Recovery Conference, which demonstrates Italy’s long-term commitment to Ukraine’s economic recovery and expressed hope that a just and lasting peace for Ukraine will soon be achieved, respecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity, with security guarantees for its future.

Italy recognized Ukraine’s independence on December 28, 1991. Diplomatic relations with the Italian Republic were established on January 29, 1992.

