KYIV. May 30 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The opening of Reforms Office in Kyiv is scheduled for early summer 2016, Director of Kyiv Investment Agency Oleh Mistiuk has told Interfax-Ukraine.
“I hope that in May an order of the mayor to create the Reforms Office, the strategic reforms board and the advisory reforms board in Kyiv would be signed,” he said.
Mistiuk said that the Reforms Office will not be part of Kyiv City Administration’s structure. It will be directly coordinated by the city mayor.
The organization structure of the Reforms Office would consist of strategic and advisory reforms boards. The creation of the office is intended to increase Kyiv city’s investment attractiveness, improve its borrowing capacity and boost efficiency of the city council via introduction of legislative and organization changes.
Mistiuk said that the strategic board’s members would be Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko, Secretary of Kyiv City Council Volodymyr Prokopiev, First Deputy Mayor Hennadiy Plis and Deputy Mayor Oleksiy Reznikov. The board would also include at least four representatives of the most famous nongovernmental organizations that forward reforms in Ukraine and at least four representatives of donor and international financial institutions (IFIs).
The advisory board would have people of Michael Bloomberg caliber as members, as well as foreign and Ukrainian experts and businessmen.