Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


26 February , 2018  

The runway of the Odesa international airport could be completely reconstructed in 2019, Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Volodymyr Omelyan has said.
“Now the full-scale reconstruction of the runway in Odesa will start. The construction of a cement plant is being finished. I would like that everything is finished this year. However, with realistic approach it will be next year. The issue is financing. We have only UAH 500 million now,” he said at a press conference devoted to the annual report of the head of the State Aviation Service of Ukraine in Kyiv on Friday, February 23.
As reported, in November 2017, Automagistral-Yug (Odesa) started building a runway for the Odesa International Airport. In September 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the allocation of UAH 800 million for reconstruction of Ukrainian airports, including UAH 500 million for Odesa airport.
Early July 2011 Odesa City Council agreed to participate in joint venture Odesa International Airport LLC, which was created to reconstruct municipal enterprise Odesa International Airport. The second participant in the JV was Odessa Airport Development Ltd. with a charter capital of about UAH 1,000. The share of Odesa City Council in the joint venture was 25%, while the city council injected property worth UAH 118.4 million into the charter capital of Odesa airport. The charter capital of the joint venture was required to be UAH 473.4 million. The remaining part was to have been injected by the private company.