Business news from Ukraine

“SCF Ukraine has received status of AEO-B from State Customs Service of Ukraine

23 April , 2024  

The State Customs Service of Ukraine has granted the status of an authorized economic operator of the type “on confirmation of safety and reliability” (AEO-B) to SCF Ukraine PJSC (Lutsk).

“SCF Ukraine became the second enterprise in Ukraine to receive AEO-B authorization. Each enterprise that prepares and successfully passes the assessment of compliance with the AEO authorization of the type “on confirmation of safety and reliability” is a step towards the possibility of Ukraine’s conclusion of mutual recognition agreements, in particular with the European Union,” the service said in a publication in its Telegram channel on Monday.

The State Customs Service stressed that the authorization of AEO type “on confirmation of safety and reliability” gives enterprises the right to enjoy exclusive advantages. Among them – prior notification of customs inspection at the checkpoint, priority fulfillment of customs formalities, special traffic lane at the checkpoint, reduction of risk by the automated customs clearance system, use of the national AEO logo.

In contrast to enterprises that have received the more common AEO authorization of the type “on granting the right to apply simplifications” (AEO-C), enterprises with AEO-B authorization will be able to receive benefits on the basis of international agreements on mutual determination in other countries.

The agency recalled that the AEO-C authorization gives enterprises the right to receive simplifications, including transit simplifications, in particular, regarding the procedure of release by location, independent application of special type of seals, general guarantee and “authorized shipper”.

According to the published information, as of today 36 enterprises in Ukraine have received 38 AEO authorizations: 36 AEO-C and 2 AEO-B. One company can get both statuses at will.

The SKF Ukraine plant in Lutsk, controlled by Sweden’s SKF, produces roller and needle bearings and wheel units for heavy-duty/commercial vehicles.

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