Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Servant of People” agreed with president on 9 new ministers – David Arahamiya

5 September , 2024  

At a meeting of the faction “Servant of the People” with the participation of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky nine candidates for new ministers were agreed upon, the candidacy of First Deputy Foreign Minister Andriy Sibiga is proposed for the post of the head of the Foreign Ministry.

“A meeting of the faction was held…On the agenda – personnel renewal…President Volodymyr Zelensky joined us. Based on the results of the faction meeting, we have worked out a general picture of personnel rotations to strengthen the state: the Foreign Ministry – Andrei Sibiga,” the head of the Servant of the People faction, David Arahamiya, wrote in Telegram on Wednesday.

According to Arahamiya, Alexei Kuleba, deputy head of the Office of the President, is proposed for the post of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Regional Policy. “He will head the ministry as it works now. Subsequently, as it was conceived, it will be divided into infrastructure and regional policy areas,” Arahamiya said. He also said that Olga Stefanishina is proposed for the post of Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration – Minister of Justice.

Deputy Defense Minister Natalia Kalmykova is proposed for the post of Minister of Veterans Affairs, while Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Nikolai Tochitsky is proposed for the post of Minister of Culture and Information Policy.

They intend to appoint interim Minister of Youth and Sports Matvei Bedny to the post of Minister of Youth and Sports.

Also, according to Arahamiya, Deputy Energy Minister Svitlana Hrynchuk is proposed for the post of Minister of Ecology.

The Ministry of Strategic Industry may be headed by the director-general of the Ukrainian Defense Industry JSC, German Smetanin.

According to the head of the Servant of the People faction, Oleksandr Kamyshyn will move to the presidential office, where he will continue to deal with the issue of arms and infrastructure. In addition, Irina Vereshchuk moves to the Office of the President, who will work as a specialized deputy head of the OP.

“Discussed the creation of a new institution in the government with the working title “Ministry of return of Ukrainians”. We are holding a discussion of candidates who could head it,” – wrote Arahamiya.

