Business news from Ukraine

SG “TAS” has increased net premiums by 1.3%

28 January , 2023  

TAS Insurance Group (Kyiv) has attracted UAH 2.343 billion of net premiums in 2022, which is 1.3% more than it was a year before, according to the company’s website.
It is specified that the company has collected UAH 500,89 mln of insurance payments on contracts of land transport insurance (hull insurance), which makes up 21,38% of the total net receipts of the insurer for the year. By obligatory insurance of motor third party liability (OSAGO) the amount of collected premiums has amounted to UAH 846,95 mln (36,15%), and by policies “Green Card” it has grown by 89% compared to the indicator for 2021 – up to UAH 438,57 mln (18,72%).
TAS IG has collected UAH 263.8 mln of net insurance payments according to the contracts of voluntary health insurance in 2022, and the proportion of VMI in the company’s portfolio is 11.26%.
In turn, UAH 63.22 mln of net payments have been collected under the property insurance contracts, and UAH 229.46 mln under other insurance contracts.
TAS IG was registered in 1998. It is a universal company, offering customers more than 80 types of insurance products for various types of voluntary and compulsory insurance. It has an extensive regional network: 28 regional directorates and branches.

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