KYIV. March 23 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Grain exports from Ukraine by France’s Soufflet Group could be 500,000 tonnes in the 2015/16 agricultural year (July-June).
“We will export 500,000 tonnes of grain this year as in the previous years. Since the beginning of the year we have shipped around 300,000-400,000 tonnes of grain,” Director of New World Grain Ukraine, part of Soufflet Group, Mykola Horbachev said at the Adam Smith Conferences’ 7th annual Ukrainian Agribusiness Forum.
He said that Soufflet Group has three elevators in Ukraine with a storage capacity of 160,000 tonnes. Horbachev added that his company is insisting on the elimination of grain storage standards.
“Various buyers want to buy grain of the different quality in different countries. We are working in Ukraine sticking to standards we have. Ukraine should be oriented to buyers,” he told reporters.
He said that grain storage is not regulated under standards in the EU. When grain arrives to elevators grain owners could mix different types of grain to form a batch for exports.
The Soufflet Group is one of the largest malt producers in the world.