Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“South Agrarian Export Company” to open its own retail chain of mini-markets

27 September , 2024  

The agricultural holding Pivdenna Agrarian-Export Company (PAEK, Mykolaiv) intends to open its own mini-market chain, Smakota, to sell its own fruit and vegetable products, the holding’s press service reported on its Facebook page.
“It’s a paradox again, people who grow and sell cabbage and other vegetables at half the price that they sell to consumers, today a wholesale buyer came to buy cabbage and offered 15-16 UAH per kilogram, while the market sells it for 25-30 UAH. We have decided to open a chain of mini-markets under the SMAKOTA brand, and I will soon announce the locations of our new stores,” the press service of the agricultural holding quoted Yuriy Kormyshkin, owner of PAEK Group, as saying.
The agricultural holding also reported that it has started harvesting summer cabbage, which was grown for winter sauerkraut and storage in a vegetable storehouse.
“We have started harvesting medium-late cabbage. The weight of the cabbage is about 2.8 kg. Despite the yield losses we suffered due to the heat, we still managed to grow very good cabbage. Vegetable production this year has been a hardship for farmers. We literally took care of each crop 24/7 to ensure quality in such harsh climatic conditions,” explained Kormyshkin.
PAEK Group is engaged in the cultivation of cereals, legumes and oilseeds; cattle breeding; seed growing; production of straw pellets; and leasing of agricultural machinery. The agricultural holding cultivates 50 thousand hectares of land and has a simultaneous elevator storage capacity of about 200 thousand tons.