Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

SPF puts Bdzhilnyansky distillery up for privatization

20 June , 2024  

The State Property Fund (SPF) has put up the Bdzhylnya Distillery in Vinnytsia region for privatization at an online auction with a starting price of UAH 68.5 million, said Vitaliy Koval, head of the SPF.

“The modernization of the production will help ensure economic efficiency for the new owner, as Vinnytsia region is a leader in the production and export of agricultural products. This gives the company logistical advantages and access to resources,” he explained on Facebook.

According to the report, the state-owned enterprise specializes in the production of alcohol and other chemical products of organic origin, but has not been carrying out financial and economic activities since June 2022.

The unified property complex of the Bdzhilnyansky distillery consists of 99 real estate objects with a total area of 11570.6 square meters, 23 units of transport and special equipment, as well as 727 units of equipment.

The online auction will take place on June 24 in the Prozorro.Sale electronic trading system.

Koval reminded that in 2024, the agency successfully held 4 online auctions for the sale of alcohol industry facilities. Their final value amounted to UAH 126.8 million, which is on average 2.1 times higher than the starting price.

“As a result, the enterprises get new owners and investments for modernization, and the budget receives funds from fair and competitive sales. We continue to work on the denationalization of the alcohol industry through privatization to unlock its potential,” summarized the SPFU chairman.

According to the SPF, distilleries are among the most popular assets for small-scale privatization. The agency planned to fully complete the privatization of alcohol industry enterprises in 2023, for which it was going to hold online auctions for the sale of 26 distilleries across the country. However, some of them did not take place.

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