Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

State Forestry Agency of Ukraine has launched pilot project to prevent manipulations in timber trade

23 May , 2023  

The State Forestry Agency of Ukraine (Goslesagentstvo) on the basis of several branches of the state enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” launched a pilot project to prevent manipulations with bills of lading (BOT), which now must be accompanied by photos of wood loaded into machines, said the head of the agency Yuri Bolokhovets.
“Unfortunately, there was a gap in the system of control of the consignment note. Unclean forestry workers could theoretically break tags and take out several lots of wood of the same volume under one TTN. We solve the problem by adding photos of the logs loaded on the truck to the TTN. “Profile” and “Anfas”. The pattern of the stacked timber is unique, it is almost impossible to duplicate”, – he wrote in Facebook.
The head of the State Forest Agency is sure that this innovation will make manipulations with the TTN more risky. The police, forest guards and local activists will be able to unmask criminals by comparing a photo with the TTN with the real look of logs in the car body.
According to his information, the pilot project has been implemented in several branches. At present the quality of the system is being tested. In the near future we plan to scale up the new control tool to all branches of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” and other forest users.
“Detenization is one of the important results of the forest industry reform. Centralization of management finally opened up the possibility to introduce something that has been successfully working for our colleagues from the Baltic States, Scandinavia and Poland for a long time,” said Bolokhovets.
He has informed that at the second stage of the pilot project all timber trucks will be equipped with GPS-trackers. The Head of the State Forest Agency is sure that this will allow to control and trace online the process of timber transportation.
The timber shipment receipt is one of the parts of the Uniform State System of Electronic Timber Records. The document gives the buyer the right to transport the consignment of timber. The date, volume of the timber, driver’s and car’s data and number of tags are written in the bill of lumber. Information about the TTN is publicly available on the website of the state enterprise “LIAC”. According to the number of the document or the number of the car here you can check the authenticity of the documents of the driver of the timber truck.
As reported, in Ukraine in 2016 the reform of forestry began. Within its framework, the sale of unprocessed timber at electronic auctions has already been introduced. Since 2021, an interactive map of timber processing facilities in a number of regions in the test mode is working.
In the industry introduced the project “Forest in your smartphone”, which contains a list of logging tickets for logging and allows you to check the legality of logging on the online map of the department.
Ukraine on June 1, the pilot of electronic issuance of logging tickets and certificates of origin of timber.
The next stage of the forest industry reform will be the separation of managerial, permitting and economic functions of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine”.