Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

State Property Fund of Ukraine received right to privatize objects by pools

15 July , 2023  

The State Property Fund of Ukraine has received the right to form separate pools of state assets for further privatization, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a corresponding resolution on Friday.

“The main purpose of introducing the new mechanism is to increase the interest of business to invest in state assets. Pools attract more attention of investors who are interested in the implementation of large projects and can make large-scale investments,” the FGI said in a press release.

The Fund added that the pools of privatization objects will be formed from enterprises operating in one sector of the economy, the products of one of them may be raw materials for another.

“Thus, pools are an opportunity to privatize vertically integrated businesses instead of buying disparate objects,” the privatization agency explained.

It specified that the new mechanism can be used in both small and large privatization.

Currently, the Federal State Property Management Service puts state assets for sale by individual companies.