Business news from Ukraine

Export of Ukraine by countries in Jan-Oct 2022

Export of Ukraine by countries in Jan-Oct 2022

Dynamics of export of goods in 2021-2022

Dynamics of export of goods in 2021-2022


Export changes in % to previous period in 2021-2022

Export changes in % to previous period in 2021-2022


Import of goods in Jan-Sep 2022 in most important positions and in relation to same period in 2021

Import of goods in Jan-Sep 2022 in most important positions and in relation to same period in 2021

SSC of Ukraine


Export of goods in Jan-Sep 2022 to most important positions and in relation to same period of 2021

Export of goods in Jan-Sep 2022 to most important positions and in relation to same period of 2021

SSC of Ukraine


Structure of Ukraine’s GDP in 2021 (production method, graphically)

Structure of Ukraine’s GDP in 2021 (production method, graphically)

SSC of Ukraine