Business news from Ukraine

ADONIS Medical Group estimates losses of destroyed clinic at $3 mln

The ADONIS Medical Group (Kyiv) estimates the damage caused by the aggressor’s missile attack on Monday at almost $3 million, Vitaliy Girin, co-owner of the medical group, told Interfax-Ukraine.

He specified that the shelling damaged a branch of the clinic in the Dniprovskyi district of Kyiv near the Livoberezhna metro station.

Fundraising for the families of the killed employees is currently underway.

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As reported, seven people – five doctors and two patients – were killed in a missile attack by the aggressor on Monday in the ADONIS clinic department. The same building houses a branch of another private clinic, where no one was injured.

The department that was hit is now closed, and patients’ visits are being transferred to other centers of the medical group.

At the beginning of the full-scale invasion in February 2022, a shell of the Russian aggressor hit a private maternity hospital of the ADONIS clinic in Kyiv region.

ADONIS is a network of private medical centers for adults and children. ADONIS Private Clinic was founded over 25 years ago. Its network includes 7 branches in Kyiv and the region, including a rehabilitation center and a stem cell laboratory. In the branches of the clinic, doctors treat patients in 75 medical areas. In times of war, ADONIS branches with surgical units provide quality medical care to military and civilians.

Medical center of ADONIS network was damaged due to falling rocket fragments

Due to the fall of rocket fragments in Dneprovsky district of Kiev, the medical center of the ADONIS network suffered on Monday morning, its press service told the Interfax-Ukraine agency.

The clinic has not yet specified information about the victims.

ADONIS is a network of private medical centers for adults and children. Private clinic ADONIS was founded more than 25 years ago. Its network includes seven branches in Kiev and the region, including a rehabilitation center and a stem cell laboratory. Doctors at the clinic’s branches provide treatment in 65 medical fields. In war conditions, ADONIS branches with surgical units provide quality medical care to military and civilians.

ADONIS Medical Group has created rehabilitation programs for demobilized employees of companies

ADONIS Medical Group has launched corporate rehabilitation programs for demobilized employees of companies.

According to the medical group’s press release, ADONIS rehabilitation programs include a wide range of services to restore the physical, psychological and social status of patients.

Specifically, the program includes preparation for prosthetics and rehabilitation after prosthetic fitting, rehabilitation after gunshot wounds, shrapnel fractures of bones, burn injuries, including skin repair, and restoration of movement amplitude for contractures to maximize mobility after injuries.

“Initiatives like this not only contribute to the physical recovery of military personnel, but also impact their overall well-being and integration into active life. Companies like MHP set an example of civic responsibility and caring for their employees,” the medical group reported.

At the same time, ADONIS noted that it is ready to “cooperate with other corporations that value their employees and want to help them during this important period.”

“The return of servicemen to peaceful life is a difficult journey that requires not only physical recovery, but also psychological and social support. We develop programs taking into account the requests of companies,” ADONIS emphasized.

ADONIS is a network of private medical centers for adults and children. ADONIS private clinic was founded more than 25 years ago. Its network includes seven branches in Kiev and the region, including a rehabilitation center and a stem cell laboratory. Doctors at the clinic’s branches provide treatment in 65 medical fields. Under war conditions, ADONIS branches with surgical units provide quality medical care to military and civilians.

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ADONIS Medical Group has created rehabilitation programs for demobilized employees of companies

ADONIS Medical Group has launched corporate rehabilitation programs for demobilized employees of companies.

According to the medical group’s press release, ADONIS rehabilitation programs include a wide range of services to restore the physical, psychological and social status of patients.

Specifically, the program includes preparation for prosthetics and rehabilitation after prosthetic fitting, rehabilitation after gunshot wounds, shrapnel fractures of bones, burn injuries, including skin repair, and restoration of movement amplitude for contractures to maximize mobility after injuries.

“Initiatives like this not only contribute to the physical recovery of military personnel, but also impact their overall well-being and integration into active life. Companies like MHP set an example of civic responsibility and caring for their employees,” the medical group reported.

At the same time, ADONIS noted that it is ready to “cooperate with other corporations that value their employees and want to help them during this important period.”

“The return of servicemen to peaceful life is a difficult journey that requires not only physical recovery, but also psychological and social support. We develop programs taking into account the requests of companies,” ADONIS emphasized.

ADONIS is a network of private medical centers for adults and children. ADONIS private clinic was founded more than 25 years ago. Its network includes seven branches in Kiev and the region, including a rehabilitation center and a stem cell laboratory. Doctors at the clinic’s branches provide treatment in 65 medical fields. In war conditions, ADONIS branches with surgical units provide quality medical care to military and civilians.

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Free consultation with plastic surgeon from ADONIS


Plastic surgery is an art that can transform and emphasize natural beauty, correct imperfections and restore self-confidence.

For everyone who wants to accept themselves unconditionally and be in harmony with the world, a consultation with a highly qualified surgeon – Bilyachenko M.V.

The doctor is ready to provide you with not only expert medical opinion, but also support in realizing your desires.

Terms of the promotion

– The special offer is valid from 01.01 to 30.04.2024
– The offer includes the following services: free consultation on plastic surgery on the face, chest and body.
– The promotion does not apply to persons who are serviced under insurance programs. And also for patients under the age of 18.
– You can get expert advice at the ADONIS Medical Center at 39 Spaska Street, Kyiv.

How to take advantage of the promotion

Make an appointment for a free consultation at the reception at the department or by calling

0 800 707 707

During the appointment, please inform us that you want to take advantage of the special offer.

Open the door to a world of possibilities under the guidance of an experienced specialist of the ADONIS clinic network.

First art therapy training to overcome consequences of post-traumatic disorders was held at Experts Club

Experts Club hosted a training aimed at psychological rehabilitation of people affected by the consequences of war. This training was part of a larger project organized by the Experts Club in cooperation with the NGO Club of Experts and the ADONIS network of centers. The initiative aims to support and restore the mental health of people who are under stress or have been victims of psychologically traumatic events.
According to Maksym Urakin, founder of the Experts Club, the rehabilitation course will consist of 8 trainings in three stages. The first stage focuses on the diagnosis of stress and post-traumatic conditions using internationally recognized methods, such as the Impact of Traumatic Events Scale (IES-R), the Trauma Screening Questionnaire (TSQ) and others. The next step is art therapy, where participants have the opportunity to work with qualified psychologists, and the final stage is to evaluate the results and develop further recommendations.
“Our goal is to show that recovery is possible, and every affected person can find support and a path to recovery,” – emphasized Maksym Urakin.
Inna Prysyazhna, training leader and psychologist-consultant of the ADONIS medical centers network, emphasized that art therapy uses primarily creative methods, such as painting, sculpture, composing poetry, fairy tales, etc.
“All this is used to express inner feelings and fears. This not only improves mood, but also helps participants find inner harmony and self-confidence. Art therapy does not just treat, but provides tools for self-help and self-realization. It promotes the development of skills that allow you to better cope with everyday challenges,” the psychologist notes.
The project is funded by the Experts Club project’s own funds. In addition, the initiative actively interacts with the media and social networks to raise public awareness of PTSD and the importance of psychological rehabilitation.
“Experts Club is an analytical center with its own video studio and educational center. The art therapy project is implemented in partnership with the Institute of Psychology.

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