Chairman of the parliamentary committee for industrial policy and entrepreneurship (Deputy Head of the Liashko Radical Party for Economic Policy) MP Viktor Halasiuk has said that a special investigation into growth of imports of ferrous metals to Ukraine by 25% should be conducted and he advocates the introduction of safeguard measures for the supplies of ferrous metals from China, Turkey, Russia and other countries.
“The Radical Party demands from the government and the Ministry of Economy to immediately conduct a special investigation into the unprecedented 25% growth this year in imports of ferrous metals and products from Ukraine. In addition, the people’s deputies insist on the introduction of preventive measures to protect Ukrainian metallurgy from predatory imports from China, Turkey , Russia and other countries,” the industrial policy committee said in a press release of with reference to Halasiuk.
According to him, the closure of the largest global markets and the intensification of the struggle for existing sales markets for metal products is a real threat to the Ukrainian industry and economy. At the same time, imports of ferrous metals in Ukraine have already grown by 25%, therefore, hundreds of thousands of jobs in the mining and metallurgy sector and related industries are under attack.
“We demand urgent measures to prevent the growth of imports of metal products from China, Turkey, the Russian Federation and other countries that are fiercely fighting for new markets for their products. It is also important to lobby for access of Ukrainian metal products to foreign markets, including through the export credit agency,” Halasiuk said, stressing that the United States, Canada, the EU, China, EurAsEC, Turkey, some African countries and others actively protect the domestic market of metal products from imports, increasing imports duties by 25% and more.
“Governments of the world’s largest economies are taking all possible and impossible measures to protect their own producers of metal and metal products,” he said.
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